Sand Bass in North Texas & Fly Fishing Shows

As I write this, I am anxiously waiting for a warming trend which has me thinking about fly fishing for Sand Bass in North Texas.  With the hopes of a more permanent warming trend to come.  We have Snow in the forecast for Friday – March 11th, sounding more like fly fishing shows  verses fly fishing weather.  That doesn’t sound like the forecast for Spring Break.  However, Snow Skiing out west could be in order for some Spring Breakers.  As the result of our recent cool down, most area water temperatures are now back in the upper 40’s.  With some water temps flirting with the low 50’s.  Not great for catching Sand Bass in North Texas just yet.  However, we did have fly fishing shows to attend, more on that coming up.  Our Winter started later than in most years and appears to not be in a hurry to let Spring arrive.  It won’t be long, next week’s forecasts are the temperatures we need.  We have had a few days of warm up in early March, which have the Sand Bass in North Texas headed into the various tributaries.  Currently only the male fish are up in the tributaries.  The female Sandies are waiting for water temperatures to hit mid to upper 50’s.  Also, with next week having a full moon cycle, that will also be a positive to get the fish moving.  More on that in a future report.