Sand Bass in North Texas & Fly Fishing Shows
As I write this, I am anxiously waiting for a warming trend which has me thinking about fly fishing for Sand Bass in North Texas. With the hopes of a more permanent warming trend to come. We have Snow in the forecast for Friday – March 11th, sounding more like fly fishing shows verses fly fishing weather. That doesn’t sound like the forecast for Spring Break. However, Snow Skiing out west could be in order for some Spring Breakers. As the result of our recent cool down, most area water temperatures are now back in the upper 40’s. With some water temps flirting with the low 50’s. Not great for catching Sand Bass in North Texas just yet. However, we did have fly fishing shows to attend, more on that coming up. Our Winter started later than in most years and appears to not be in a hurry to let Spring arrive. It won’t be long, next week’s forecasts are the temperatures we need. We have had a few days of warm up in early March, which have the Sand Bass in North Texas headed into the various tributaries. Currently only the male fish are up in the tributaries. The female Sandies are waiting for water temperatures to hit mid to upper 50’s. Also, with next week having a full moon cycle, that will also be a positive to get the fish moving. More on that in a future report.
The Fly Fishing Show – Denver Colorado
The month of February has been a busy month for Fly Fishing themed shows throughout the country. On February 11th – 13th, I was in Denver, CO for a consumer show called – The Fly Fishing Show . This year’s event was held at a new venue for the show, The Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. Great facility for the show. I was at the annual show to work a booth for one of my manufactures that I represent – Dagon Apparel from Houston, TX. I was surprised to see Fly Fishers that I know come all the way from Texas just to take in the show. It’s only a short 1 hour 20 minute plane ride. The Denver show is supposed to be one of their biggest shows that travels the country. And I would have to agree.
5th Annual Texas Fly Fishing & Brewfest –> North Texas Fly Fishing for Bass
A couple weeks ago I worked my 5th Texas Fly Fishing & Brewfest held on February 26th – 27th in Mesquite, Texas. I always enjoy meeting people from across the nation who come to a Fly Fishing Themed show. Especially one held in Texas. This two day event allows attendees to check out various products from the various Fly Fishing Manufacturers, attend lectures on techniques and topics of interest. Including seminars for the fly tier on how to tie that next fly. Show attendees can also purchase products from the various retailers on hand. But we can’t forget the tasting (i.e.: drinking) of Beer from some of the Lone Star State’s best microbreweries. One of my favorites is from a Grapevine, TX brewery – Hop & Sting. Not only do they brew tasty beer, the owner is a fly fisher as well as a few others that work there.
I was at the Texas Fly Fishing & Brewfest to run a booth for one of my manufactures that I represent – Thomas & Thomas Fly Rods. Also, I presented on both Saturday & Sunday in one of the lecture rooms. My hour long presentation that was included in the price of admission was titled “Insider’s Guide to Fly Fishing for Bass in North Texas”. This presentation includes information for the beginner all the way to the seasoned Fly Rod Bass Angler. And it wasn’t just for the Green Bass (i.e.: Largemouth), but on the six species available in North Texas to target with the Fly Rod. It was surprising to meet people as far away as New York City. My Saturdays presentation had kneeling room only (that’s beyond standing room only). So yes there is an interest to chasing Bass with the Fly Rod in North Texas.
There you have it, Sand Bass in North Texas with more to come & Fly Fishing Shows when you are waiting for the warmer temperatures to arrive.
See you on the water and Keep North Texas Fly Fishing!